
This Card is built on top of Material-UI's Card, and provides a much simpler interface, with an already built-in design that will fit most of the common use-cases and which makes its integration faster to implement.


Awesome link

Big mode

Awesome link

No media

Awesome link

No buttons

No action

Awesome card

This is an awesome card. An awesome card is easy to use and only have a few props so you can implement it very quickly, while you can still customize its colors. Did you know this component is built on top of material-ui's Card ?

Awesome link

Custom controls

Awesome card

This is an awesome card. An awesome card is easy to use and only have a few props so you can implement it very quickly, while you can still customize its colors. Did you know this component is built on top of material-ui's Card ?


This component was extended using styled() from styled-components.

Awesome card

This is an awesome card. An awesome card is easy to use and only have a few props so you can implement it very quickly, while you can still customize its colors. Did you know this component is built on top of material-ui's Card ?

Awesome link


bigboolfalseSet to true if you want to have font-sizes bigger. Useful for large cards' widths. False by default.
childrennodeThe controls of the Card. You can either use the Card.Button component or bring your own.
descriptionnodeThe Card's description. It can be some string, or some elements if you want to render a custom description.
imageobjectThe Card's image media. Inherits from MUI's CardMedia props. See
onClickfuncFunction fired when the card is pressed or clicked. If you leave it undefined, the card's content will be rendered in a div instead of a button.
title*stringThe Card's title.

The ref will be forwarded to the html root element, as well as any other props.


Default Button


This component was extended using styled() from styled-components.


This component extends Material's UI <Button> so you can use all its props as well. Check out its Api.

The ref will be forwarded to the html root element, as well as any other props.