
Do you need a relatively classic and customizable footer? If so, this component was made for you. Footer provides a light but highly customizable interface so you can build a footer staight out of the box. All the default styling is already handled for you.

Note: Some components used in the following stories like the <YourOwnBanner> or the icons are not included - you can bring any component of your choosing when you use the Footer.


No bottom banner

Background image

No title

No icons


This component was extended using styled() from styled-components.


bottomBannernodeThe content of the bottom banner. Leave to undefined if you don't want one.
childrennodeThe Footer's children. You can use Footer.Column & Footer.Item components or bring any component you want.
imageobjectThe footer's background image. Please refer to MUI's CardMedia's props for the exhaustive list:
titlestringThe footer's title.

The ref will be forwarded to the html root element, as well as any other props.

Default Column

With a title

Awesome title


Awesome title


This component was extended using styled() from styled-components.


childrennodeThe children nodes to render inside the column.
isInlineboolfalseSet to true if you want to align the column's items on one horizontal line.
titlestringThe column's title.

The ref will be forwarded to the html root element, as well as any other props.

Default Item

As a button

  • Extended

    This component was extended using styled() from styled-components.


    This component extends Material's UI <Button> so you can use all its props as well. Check out its Api.

    iconnodeThe item's icon.

    The ref will be forwarded to the html root element, as well as any other props.